Why Barcode Ecology?

Whilst at university, I researched and studied plains zebra for my dissertation. As is standard when someone has a particular liking for something, I have received a LOT of zebra-related things including a cute little stress toy. A friend of mine suggested Barcode for a name, and it’s stuck ever since. 

The whole idea with the title is that this blog is about my personal experiences in nature. There’s so much talk about ecosystem services and the monetary value of nature, but I think it’s important we all remember what nature means to us intrinsically.

This blog is listed in the UK & Eire Natural History Bloggers.

This blog is dedicated to my close friend, Rhys, who was the one that named Barcode. He passed away during my second visit to South Africa (when I was studying the behaviour of dwarf mongooses). He was a strong supporter of this blog from its start, giving lots of encouragement and feedback. He was a very good friend who I miss dearly, and I write every post for him.

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